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TSN – Is It Ready to Take Your Smart Factory up a Notch?

Building a smart factory is not easy. In the past, in order to achieve the best performance for different applications and ...

Poynting PUCK vs MIMO-3 Test Drive

Background All cellular (wireless) routers have transmission blocks for wireless communication which are based on industry and ...

Temperature Detection Using Thermal Imaging Technology

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed and will continue to change the way we conduct our everyday lives and how many companies will ...

4 Key Considerations for Upgrading Industrial OT Networks

We know industrial landscapes are continually reshaped by technological advancements, and the imperative to upgrade Operational ...

Eric Turson achieves Early Bird Design-In Award fromย Moxa

Congratulations go to Eric TURSON for achieving the Early Bird Design-In Award from Moxa. Eric was the first to deliver an ...

Secure Cloud Services for Remote Machine Access

Remote access for maintenance and troubleshooting services are enabling original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and machine ...

A Tour of Modern Artificial Intelligence and Its Commercial Applications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making huge headlines around the world. But what is the practical reality of AI as a game-changer ...

What You Should Know About Cybersecurity in the Rail Industry

As one of the most popular modes of mass transportation, trains are particularly important for cities undergoing rapid ...

MOBOTIX Cyberattack Protection Guide

Cyberattacks against internet connected software and hardware is a growing problem. In recent years, attackers are increasingly ...